
Christmas Trees

For assistance with payment -                             Please call 517-914-8444

Select the appropriate tree size from the list below.

  1. Click "Add to cart" button.
  2. Follow the prompts and pay using a credit card or bank account.
  3. Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas Season.
6-8' Fresh Cut Canaan Fir Christmas Tree
35.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Fresh Cut Canaan Fir Christmas Tree 6-8' Premium Grade

Potted Fraser Fir Christmas Tree 42"
90.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Potted Fraser Fir 48"

40.00 USD
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Delivery within 15 miles.

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© CAP'S Nursery and Landscape 6500 Lansing Avenue, Jackson, MI 49201 517-914-8444